Do You Want to Live a Life You Love?

Do you ever feel like you are being pulled in a million different directions? Your boss is talking to you about deadlines, the kids have practice, and all you want to do is get to the barn to destress from all of the demands life puts on you and you just don't know how to do it all....
All you need is a planner.
A Planner Just for Equestrians
Horse Care Tracking
Keep track of your horse's vet, farrier, and bodywork appointments. Add lessons, horse shows, and other equestrian events so you never miss one! Plus make your riding goals and create a plan to achieve them throughout the year.
Gratitude Practice
I try to always practice an attitude of gratitude and it is amazing the kind of magic you can make by just being thankful. Write down what you are grateful for each and every day. It will totally change your life!
Self Care
We take great care of our horses and our families, but none of that is possible without taking care of yourself first. Use the planner to monitor your water intake, exercise, and mental health.
Task Tracking
Make a list of your priorities for each day so you can stay focused on breaking down your big goals into smaller more achievable tasks that get you closer to living a life you love! Those big goals we'll put onto vision pages so you can truly visualize the life you want to live.
Leslie Friedman Taliercio,
Great Neck, NY
"I give the Smart Equestrian Planner 5 Stars, Jenna Knudsen is the best life coach there is, the whole world wide group of us are so close, we help each other build and accomplish our goals every day, I would be lost without Jenna Knudsen the creator and my group... I highly recommend this planner for anyone who truly wants to live a life they love for now I am living a life I love thanks to our amazing community/ family"
Anne Beggs
Oakland, CA
The SMART Equestrian Planner by Jenna Knudsen is far and way the best planner, organizer, creative stimulator, and accountability coach in paper form available. I even tell my non-horse friends (yes I have those ) it is great even if you don’t have a horse.
I keep all my family, writing, publishing and of course ranch and horse details, deadlines, payroll, etc. in the planner.
Hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly guides to keep you on track. Meal planners, vision pages and habit trackers. No excuses. Make a plan, keep to it and make the magic"
Lisa Driver, MI
" I was hesitant to buy a Planner, thought I would never use it. A friend had one and wanted me to get one too. I only got it because of her. I thought, well what do I have to lose, for the price of dinner out, or a barefoot trim for my horse, I will at least have a pretty book to look at all year.
Well, boy was I wrong! I absolutely love my Planner! My fourth Planner is ordered! I use it! Not just for a things I have to do list, it is a things I want to do, get to do list! I journal these awesome things, and sit in amazement at all that I am able to do.
Through dreaming about what I want, creating a clear vision of how to get it, making a plan, putting it all down on paper, I have accomplished so much in the past three years!"
What's special about the S.M.A.R.T. Equestrian planner?
We know the equestrian life isn't for everyone...
It takes passion, commitment, determination, and perseverance to make it in the horse world.
We also know early mornings, summer days, winter mornings, and the occasional 3am vet visits are easier to endure with a supportive community alongside you every step of the way.
We have created a life planner made for every type of horse lover; especially for those who are looking to create the life they love.
If you're looking to find your work/life balance, spend more time with your horse, improve your health, and start living your life with intention, then this is the planner for you.
Meet Jenna Knudsen
Mindfulness Coach for Equestrians
Creator of The SMART Equestrian Planner
It has been my dream to help empower equestrian women to the next level of their lives. We can all use a leg-up in life and we can all benefit from accountability and coaching. As the saying goes the best ability is accountability.
My life has been dedicated to coaching women. Now it is solely devoted to coaching equestrian women. In my life, I have benefited greatly from mentors and coaches. My mentors have helped me grow personally, professionally, and financially.
I also know that not everyone can afford private personal coaching. I struggled mightily to have coaches and mentors, however, every time I invested in myself it always proved to be the best investment I could make.
I invite you to join me and some of the most amazing women. Our exclusive community is life-changing, and this is my deepest wish for you, to Live A Life You Love.

Horse Care Tracker
Personal Health Tracker
To-Do List(some planners with this alone are $59)
Bucket List